About OCBS

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Cleveland, Ohio, United States
The Ohio Central Basin Steelheaders fishing club is an association of fishermen which was formed in 1984 and is dedicated to the protection and promotion of steelhead sport fishing in Ohio and the Great Lakes region. OCBS works hard for you, the steelhead fisherman, to help insure that the steelhead programs will be here for you tomorrow and for future generations to come. The OCBS Team has many ongoing projects and tasks to achieve our goals. OCBS has a great partnership with our state's Ohio Division of Natural Resources (ODNR) and their steelhead stocking program. We are a proud member of the Great Lakes Sport Fishing Council. OCBS works closely with the Cleveland, Lorain, Ashtabula, and Lake County Metro Parks to provide fishing related programs which benefit the general public.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

OCBS 2013-2014
Fellow Steelheaders:
The 2013-2014 Steelhead Season is fast approaching and your Board of Directors has been busy planning for the upcoming season.

Plans are in process for the Steelhead Expo at Cleveland Metro Park’s Rocky River Nature Center on 5 October 2013.   
Guest speakers have been scheduled for the general membership meetings with the first meeting taking place at the Firehouse on 26 September 2013. 
During the off season the Board of Director reviewed the Club’s Tournament activities and it was decided to change the name from Tournaments to Steelhead Outings as the word Tournament could have negative connotations with outsiders and portray the Club as not promoting catch and release practices.
The review also revealed that over the past two years there has been minimum participation in the club’s steelhead tournaments. Out of 250 club members only 11.2 percent of the membership participated in the Open Series and 10.4 percent of the membership signed up for the Fly Fishing Tournament.
In an effort to get more members involved in this year’s Steelhead Outings you are receiving this advanced communication.  As an added incentive each member signing up for the 2013-2014  Steelhead Outings who did not participate in either of last year’s tournaments will receive an additional raffle ticket for each outing’s end of year raffle.
In addition the Championship Series Outing Sponsor (Erie Outfitters) will award merchandise prizes to the first, second and third place winners of each outing leg.  In the past only the first place winner of each leg received a gift certificate as a prize.  As in prior years gift certificates will be awarded to first, second and third place overall winners.
The Fly Fishing Outing prizes will be gift certificates from the Rod Maker Shoppe in Strongsville Ohio.  Gift certificates will be awarded to the first place winner of each outing leg and to the first, second and third place winners of the overall outing
Consider signing up for this year’s Steelhead Outings and test your skills against some of the primer Steelheaders in the Club.   The Steelhead Outings are an excellent venue to network with fellow anglers, make new acquaintances, refine you fishing skills and fish new waters.   If you did not participate in prior year events because you did not have a partner to fish with the Club will take an active part in hooking you up with a fishing partner.
The entry fee is $10.00 per outing which enters you in the end of year outing raffles. 
Be sure to mark your calendar for the 2013-2014 “Members Only” Steelhead Outing dates:
17 November 2013
8 December 2013
23 March 2014

27 October 2013
13 April 2014

Sign up sheets will be available at the 26 September2013 membership meeting, Erie Outfitters in Sheffield Lake and the Rod Maker Shoppe in Strongsville.
Support your club and enjoy the camaraderie by fishing with fellow club members in addition to having a chance to win some great prizes.

                                 John Beedlow
                                Tournament Director